HC Deb 28 October 1949 vol 468 cc1726-7
Mr. Blenkinsop

I beg to move, in page 17, line 9, to leave out from "a," to "such," in line 10, and to insert "chief male nurse of."

This Amendment is proposed because the expression "chief male nurse" which originally appeared in the Bill was taken out in another place for drafting reasons, as it was thought that the descriptive words substituted were clearer. But we find that we have made a mistake. Male nurses have regretted the disappearance of the title for reasons of prestige, and having regard to the status of the chief male nurse in mental hospitals as the equivalent of matron on the male side, it is now thought to be advisable to reinsert the title which is defined by an earlier Amendment.

Amendment agreed to.

Further Amendments made: In page 17, line 24, leave out "be filled."

Line 25, after first "Minister," insert: be filled by a person appointed.

Line 26, after "case," insert: shall be filled by a person appointed.

Line 26, at the end, insert: (2) Where a vacancy occurs in the place of a member that was originally filled by a registered mental nurse elected to membership of the Council by registered mental nurses, the person appointed to fill the vacancy shall be the person appointed to fill the corresponding vacancy on the Council, and a person appointed to fill any other vacancy shall possess the same qualifications as that by virtue whereof the person who originally filled the place vacant was qualified for appointment or election under paragraph 1 of this Schedule."—[Mr. Blenkinsop.]

Schedule, as amended, agreed to.