§ 61. Mr. Skeffington-Lodgeasked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether facilities are available to Germans in the British zone to emigrate permanently to other countries; and whether Britain is included in the scheme.
§ Mr. MayhewSince July this year German nationals in the British zone (who can produce evidence that they will be accepted by another country) have been free to apply for exit facilities provided that their emigration is neither prejudicial to the interests of the Occupying Powers nor contrary to the economic interests of Germany. Germans applying to emigrate to this country would be dealt with under the general policy governing the admission of aliens for permanent residence in this country.
§ Mr. Skeffington-LodgeDoes that mean that Germans can apply now to emigrate to British Colonies with some chance of getting there?
§ Mr. MayhewSo far as exit permits are concerned, unless they fall into the two categories which I have mentioned, the answer is "Yes." As for entry permits, that is a matter for the Secretary of State for the Colonies.
§ Mrs. Leah ManningDoes my hon. Friend's answer cover the emigration of Polish miners from Germany back to Poland?
§ Mr. MayhewThe question of displaced persons is another matter.