HC Deb 24 October 1949 vol 468 cc1041-2
Mr. Manningham-Buller (Daventry)

I beg to move, in page 2, line 32, to leave out "Army Council," and to insert: the competent Naval, Air Force or Military Authority. Under the Clause any scheme prepared under Section I of the 1907 Act must provide for the appointment by the Army Council as members of the association of representatives of the Sea Cadet Corps. It appears rather remarkable at first sight that the Army Council should appoint the representatives of the Sea Cadet Corps. Should not they be appointed by the Admiralty? That is why we put down the Amendment, which is, I hope, a form of words satisfactory to enable the Admiralty to play the part which they should play with regard to the Sea Cadet Corps in appointing representatives under one of these schemes.

The Under-Secretary of State for War (Mr. Michael Stewart)

Even after the passage of the Bill the actual administration of the Sea Cadet Corps will remain in the hands of the Sea Cadet Council as at present. The functions which the Admiralty will perform in connection with Territorial associations under the Bill will be very slight, mainly advisory and only at their request. It would not be reasonable, therefore, to impose upon them what would really be the unnecessary burden of having to appoint members of the associations.

Furthermore, as the hon. and learned Member will be aware, his Amendment would embrace also the Royal Air Force, provision for which is already made in Clause 7. In view, therefore, of the fact that this part of the Bill deals only with associations which have responsibilities for the Territorial Army, and as the actual administration of the Sea Cadet Corps will continue as at present, I trust the hon. and learned Member will agree that the Amendment is not necessary.

Mr. Manningham-Buller

I am not entirely satisfied by that explanation, but at least one thing is clear: the Under-Secretary is apprised of the point which we desire to raise. I do not propose now to press the Amendment, but I should like the hon. Gentleman to think the matter over in case some change to give effect to the point I have raised may be desirable in another place. I beg to ask leave to withdraw the Amendment.

Air-Commodore Harvey (Macclesfield)

I wish to support what my hon. Friends have said. Some similar arrangement should apply to the Air Cadet Corps as to the Sea Cadet Corps and I see no reason why the Under-Secretary should withhold that. No extra work would be involved in doing what the Amendment asks, and I ask him to reconsider it.

Mr. M. Stewart

I do not think the hon. and gallant Member has quite understood the point. This is not going to give the associations administrative responsibility for running the Sea Cadet Corps, but in areas where there happen to be joint activities of the Sea Cadet Corps and cadet forces of the Army and the Air Force, this would apply. That is why it is unnecessary to incorporate the Amendment in the Bill. Reference has been made to what the Admiralty wants in this connection. The Admiralty, however, are entirely satisfied that their position is fully safeguarded under the Bill as it stands.

Amendment, by leave, withdrawn.

Clause ordered to stand part of the Bill.