HC Deb 18 October 1949 vol 468 cc466-7
20. Mr. Parker

asked the Minister of Labour what is the cause of the dispute at the Windsor Hosiery Company, Dagenham; and what action his Department has taken to try and get it settled.

Mr. Isaacs

The dispute arose out of a request by the union for a meeting to discuss wages and conditions of employment. Officers of my Department have been in close touch with the parties, and a further meeting between an official of the union and a representative of the firm is taking place today.

21. Mr. Parker

asked the Minister of Labour why applicants at the local employment exchange have been sent to the Windsor Hosiery Company's works when an officially recognised strike is in progress.

Mr. Isaacs

Submissions to these vacancies were made in accordance with the established practice of the Employment Service which maintains strict impartiality towards trade disputes. Vacancies notified by an employer which are affected by a trade dispute are brought to the notice of suitable applicants, but in every case the applicants are warned of the existence of the dispute. No person is prejudiced in any way if he is unwilling to accept a vacancy because a trade dispute affecting that vacancy exists.

Mr. Parker

Will the Minister look into the complaint made by officials of the union about the way in which the local employment exchange behaved in this matter?

Mr. Isaacs

Most certainly, if my hon. Friend brings the matter to my notice.

Mr. Osborne

Could the Minister say how many people are involved in this strike? Will he also make it clear that the hosiery trade has for many years been free from strikes and has had good relations with the trade unions?

Mr. Isaacs

Yes, Sir. The number of persons involved is about 125. I would like to endorse what the hon. Gentleman has said about the good relations which have existed in this industry. This dispute really arose because the employers did not give a reply for some eight or nine weeks to a question whether they would meet the union or not, and then did not give a definite date, with the result that the workers came out. I hope we shall get back to the industry's old position.

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