HC Deb 29 November 1949 vol 470 c934
29. Mr. Malcolm MacPherson

asked the Minister of Labour to what extent the factory inspectorate is at present up to strength.

The Minister of Labour (Mr. Isaacs)

There are at present 40 vacancies in the factory inspectorate, and a competition is now in progress with a view to filling these vacancies. The normal annual requirements of new recruits are from 15 to 20.

Mr. MacPherson

Can my right hon. Friend say how long these vacancies have existed, and for how long the inspectorate has been short of staff?

Mr. Isaacs

We ended the war with a shortage of 80, as recruiting stopped during the war. We have now reduced the shortage to this figure, and we hope to fill up the gaps soon.

Mr. Piratin

How many have been recruited during the past year?

Mr. Isaacs

I cannot say without notice.