HC Deb 16 November 1949 vol 469 c1999
10. Mr. Peter Freeman

asked the Postmaster-General whether he is now able to make a statement on the provision of an automatic register of charges to be attached to telephones such as is already in existence in Switzerland.

Mr. Wilfred Paling

Subscribers in Switzerland are provided with automatic registers attached to their telephones mainly in order to record charges for non-local calls, which they dial direct. These registers cannot be provided in the British system so long as toll and trunk calls are completed by operators, as at present. The problem of extending the range over which subscribers in this country can complete calls by dialling is under examination, and the study will cover the possibility of providing meters at subscribers' premises.

Mr. Freeman

Is it not a fact that accounts are not rendered to subscribers until many months afterwards and are difficult to check, and that the desirability of having some automatic register is of paramount importance? Can my right hon. Friend give attention to the provision of such a register?

Mr. Paling

As I indicated in my answer, we are studying the possibility of doing so, but it is a matter which takes time.

Viscount Hinchingbrooke

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that Switzerland and many other countries are now much in advance of us, both with regard to the design of the apparatus and the facilities offered; and exactly what is the right hon. Gentleman doing to spur the Post Office into renewed activity?

Mr. Paling

I think my answer indicated what we are doing.