HC Deb 15 November 1949 vol 469 c1830
4. Mr. Willis

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will introduce legislation to amend the Local Government (Scotland) Act, 1947, so as to prohibit members of local authority planning committees from appearing before such committees as their own agents.

Mr. Woodburn

No, Sir. This is a matter which I consider should be left to the good sense of members of the committee.

Mr. Willis

Has my right hon. Friend seen the reports of the Edinburgh Planning Committee and is he aware of the expressions of concern which have been made, by members of all parties, at this particular practice? Will he look into this again?

Mr. Woodburn

This is a matter which is largely in the domain of the local authority itself and there is no reason why they should not make standing orders if they desire to make provision for such events. It is rather difficult to make general legislation on the basis of something committed by someone which someone else thinks is wrong.

Mr. Willis

But is it possible to make regulations and standing orders concerning them?

Mr. Woodburn
