HC Deb 15 November 1949 vol 469 cc1853-4
40 and 41. Mrs. Mann

asked the Minister of National Insurance (1) if he is aware of the hardship caused to sick people and the aged by the inadequate allowances now granted for winter clothing; and what steps he will take to prevent these people suffering greater hardship because of the change created by the 1948 Act;

(2) if he is aware that applicants to Appeal Boards for clothing on the pre-1948 scale, are now told that this must be refused on instruction from the Labour Government; and what steps he proposes to take to prevent political prejudice being brought into the day-to-day working of these Appeal Boards.

Mr. J. Griffiths

I have been in touch with the National Assistance Board on the matters raised in these Questions. On the information before me, I cannot accept the general implications contained in them. If my hon. Friend has individual cases in mind, I should be glad if she would let me have particulars, in order that I may cause any necessary inquiries to be made.

Mrs. Mann

Can my right hon. Friend say whether the appointments of chairmen to the appeal boards are made on the basis of non-political allegiance, and whether, in view of the fact that in most boroughs the chairmen of such boards have been the leaders of the Conservative Party in those boroughs for a period of years, this is political allegiance, or whether it is only political allegiance where a person happens to be of Labour politics?

Mr. Griffiths

These chairmen are appointed because of the experience they had of the work before the new scheme started. My hon. Friend has made certain allegations against one of the chairmen. It is impossible for me to inquire into the matter until I have the particulars. When I have the particulars, I will make inquiries.

Colonel Gomme-Duncan

Is there anything wrong in saying that these are the instructions of the Government of the day? It seems perfectly normal.

Mr. Griffiths

The business of the tribunal is to adjudicate between the Board and the applicant, and not to issue political statements.