HC Deb 14 November 1949 vol 469 cc1672-3
36 and 37. Colonel Ropner

asked the Minister of Transport (1) how far the proposed cuts in capital expenditure will delay the construction of either the temporary toll-free bridge at Selby or the permanent bridge;

(2) whether his negotiations for the purchase of the toll rights of Selby toll bridge have yet been concluded.

The Minister of Transport (Mr. Barnes)

In view of the present increased need for economy, I see no immediate prospect of acquiring the toll rights of Selby Bridge or of beginning the construction of either the temporary bridge or the new permanent one. The negotiations for the eventual purchase of toll rights are not yet concluded.

Colonel Ropner

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that it must be nearly three years since he told me that a new bridge would be constructed shortly, and does he not think that the people of Selby and the surrounding districts are entitled to expect some help from him after all this delay?

Mr. Barnes

I have never attempted to deny the value of this bridge if it was reconstructed. There are many other proposals throughout the country which are equally important as this.

Colonel Stoddart-Scott

Will the Minister promise to repair the bridge and the roadway, if he will not construct a new one?

Mr. Barnes

No, Sir. This is a private toll bridge and first it must be acquired. Then the intention was to put in a new bridge.

Colonel Ropner

Will the right hon. Gentleman give an assurance that at least the negotiations for the purchase of the toll rights will be continued until concluded?

Mr. Barnes

No. I cannot do that because the Chancellor of the Exchequer indicated recently that one of the economies of my Department must be secured by the postponement of the acquisition of toll rights.