§ 47. Mr. Boyd-Carpenterasked the Minister of Food what proportion of the consignment of approximately 2,000 carcases of Dutch mutton brought by him to this country towards the end of September has been issued as part of the meat ration; what proportion will be so issued; what has happened to the rest; and what was the total cost of this consignment.
§ Dr. SummerskillNone of this particular consignment was issued for the ration, but five tons was used for making meat products. The rest was condemned. We cannot assess the cost until the reason and liability for the loss is determined.
§ Mr. Boyd-CarpenterMay I take it that the right hon. Lady is conducting vigorous investigations into this very considerable loss, and that she will make a statement to the House when those investigations are completed?
§ Dr. SummerskillWe are in discussion with the Dutch Government. The hon. Member will realise that the Dutch Government were responsible for the shipment of this meat, and it was guaranteed that it would be in a fresh condition when it arrived.