HC Deb 08 November 1949 vol 469 cc1041-2
19. Sir W. Darling

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he is satisfied with the annual production of potatoes, turnips and barley; and what plans he has to increase this production.

Mr. Woodburn

On the basis of current needs I shall be satisfied if the production of potatoes in Scotland continues at its present level. The production of turnips is a matter I can safely leave to the farmers themselves. I am hoping for an increase in the barley acreage, and have asked the agricultural executive committees to do all in their power to ensure this.

20. Sir W. Darling

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland the acreage of oats in Scotland in 1939, 1943 and 1949, respectively; and what steps he is taking to maintain and increase the production of this unique Scottish product.

Mr. Woodburn

The acreage of oats in Scotland in these years was as follows: 1939, 777,000 acres; 1943, 1,011,000 acres; 1949, 931,000 acres.

Under the Government's agricultural expansion programme an increased acreage of this crop is looked for. I have recently asked agricultural executive committees to do all in their power to increase the acreage devoted to this crop, amongst others, and the assistance of the National Farmers' Union for Scotland has been enlisted.

Sir W. Darling

Would the right hon. Gentleman continually bear in mind that the consumption of oats in this country is 8 lb. per head, whereas the consumption of wheat is 240 lb. per head, and that we can produce all our oats in Scotland but only half our wheat?

Mr. Woodburn

The hon. Member has called attention to the deficiency in dietary education, and no doubt his question will do something to improve the position.

Mr. Walter Fletcher

Will the right hon. Gentleman make quite certain that no area in Scotland is allotted for the growing of groundnuts?