HC Deb 07 November 1949 vol 469 cc880-1
40. Sir G. Fox

asked the Minister of Food the number of gallons of milk used in the production of plastics and other commercial uses, respectively, during the last 12 months or any convenient period; what percentage this represents of the amount used for human consumption; and if he will divert the milk used for industrial purposes to provide an increased supply to the housewife.

Mr. Strachey

No liquid milk is provided for the commercial production of plastics and similar industrial products. Seventy per cent. more milk than before the war is sold for liquid consumption and whenever supplies are available they are used in baby food, rationed cheese and other essential foods.

Sir G. Fox

Are we to understand from that reply that milk of any description, after being processed for cheese, is used for plastics? Are plastics a byproduct of cheese?

Mr. Strachey

No, Sir. Except for certain medical purposes, no milk is used for these purposes at all.