HC Deb 02 November 1949 vol 469 cc389-90
41. Mr. Boyd-Carpenter

asked the Postmaster-General whether he has considered the application submitted to him on 8th October, 1949, by the Engineering Officers (Telecommunication) Association; and whether, in view of the fact that the membership of this association exceeds 40 per cent. of the total of organised staff in the technical officers grade, he proposes to grant recognition to this association.

Mr. Wilfred Paling

When this Association's earlier claim for recognition was rejected on 27th August last, they were informed that the matter would be reconsidered in the light of membership figures at the end of the year, assuming that in the meantime there was no change in the principle on which claims for recognition were considered. I am at present reviewing the basis on which recognition by the Post Office should be given to new staff associations and pending a conclusion of that review I regret I am not in a position to take a decision on the present claim.

Mr. Boyd-Carpenter

Can the right hon. Gentleman say whether the claim of the association referred to in my Question establishes that they now number 40 per cent. of the organised members of this grade, and has not that figure previously been treated as entitling anybody to recognition?

Mr. Paling

They have made a claim to that extent, but with regard to the figures only, I must examine the claim of the other union also.

Mr. W. J. Brown

Inasmuch as the existing rules governing recognition, in which the 40 per cent. level figures, have operated very satisfactorily for a very large number of years in the Post Office, can the Postmaster-General tell us what Le has in mind in saying that he is contemplating a revision of those rules?

Mr. Paling

The question of the multiplicity of unions brings in its train difficulties for the Post Office itself also, and I should like to examine the question in the light of the difficulties.

Mr. Quintin Hogg

At all events, will the right hon. Gentleman give us an assurance that his review is not being undertaken for the exclusion on political grounds of a union whose basis of membership is otherwise adequate for recognition?

Mr. Paling

I am undertaking this review in the interests of the Post Office generally and of the men themselves.

Hon. Members


Mr. Boyd-Carpenter

Is it not a fact that this organisation now numbers 40 per cent. of the members in the grade, and that the rule granting recognition in such cases is still in effect? On those two assumptions, can the right hon. Gentleman say why recognition is now refused, even if the matter is to be reviewed again?

Mr. Gallacher

It is not a Communist union.

Mr. Paling

I have already said that the union has made a claim. At the moment I am not disputing their figures—

Mr. Boyd-Carpenter

The right hon. Gentleman is not?

Mr. Paling

—but I must have regard to the figures submitted by the other union also.