HC Deb 30 May 1949 vol 465 c1720
49. Mr. Skinnard

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he is aware of the hardship caused to persons of small means desirous of visiting relatives in Austria by the present financial condition imposed before a tourist card is issued; and whether he will take steps to have this condition waived where private hospitality is offered by relatives.

Mr. McNeil

The condition that a tourist card involving payment of 8s. 4d. for each day of stay in Austria must be obtained by visitors to Austria who have not booked accommodation at a tourist hotel was made by the Austrian Government. Seven shillings and sixpence of the 8s. 4d. is recoverable in Austrian currency. Military permit officers are authorised at their discretion to issue permits in compassionate cases of urgency without the production of these cards. It is also understood that the Austrian Legation in London will give special consideration to exceptional cases of hardship.