HC Deb 11 May 1949 vol 464 cc1831-2
15. Mr. Eric Fletcher

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs what action he is proposing to take under Article 36 of the Peace Treaty with Bulgaria, and similar articles of the Treaty with Hungary and Roumania, in respect of treaty violations by those countries.

Mr. Bevin

As foreshadowed in the reply made to a Question by my hon. Friend on 16th March, notes were addressed to the Governments of Bulgaria, Hungary and Roumania on 2nd April charging them with having violated the human rights clauses of the respective treaties of peace. Similar notes were sent by the United States Government. The replies which have been received from these Governments are unsatisfactory, and His Majesty's Government are at present considering, in conjunction with the United States Government and the Canadian, Australian and New Zealand Governments, what further action they will take.

Mr. Philips Price

In view of the continued violation of this Treaty does not my right hon. Friend consider that we should no longer regard it as valid?

Mr. Bevin

We must consult with other signatories to the Treaty. I do not despair of circumstances arising in which we may be able to carry it out. It seems to me that a situation is developing in which we may even be called comrades again.

Mr. Platts-Mills

In view of the fact that the Americans are now, very sensibly, calling off the cold war had not the right hon. Gentleman better stop this silly provocation of the Eastern European Governments?