HC Deb 09 May 1949 vol 464 cc1465-8
1. Mr. Erroll

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power in how many cases during 1947 and 1948 have successful tenderers for opencast coal work been instructed by his Department to purchase plant from the Ministry of Supply or any other Government Department.

The Minister of Fuel and Power (Mr. Gaitskell)

None, Sir. But because of the need to ensure that American machinery already purchased for dollars was employed in the most productive manner, there were a number of sites for which tenders were asked on the understanding that the successful tenderer would purchase excavating plant which was especially suitable for the site concerned. The number of machines purchased from the Ministry in this way was 43 in 1947, and 38 in 1948.

Mr. Erroll

In actual fact, was it not the case that many contractors were compelled to take machinery they did not want; and is the right hon. Gentleman aware that in the evidence put before the Select Committee it was stated that the Ministry had started unloading plant on unsuccessful tenderers?

Mr. Gaitskell

The answer to the first part of the hon. Gentleman's question is, "Certainly not, Sir," and I would not agree with that interpretation of the evidence put before the Select Committee.

2. Mr. Erroll

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power on what basis is the initial cost of providing loading and screening facilities for opencast coal-mining written off by his Department.

Mr. Gaitskell

Capital expenditure incurred in the provision of loading and screening facilities is spread over the total production programme. An annual review is made of the rate at which such expenditure is written off, and, if necessary, adjustments are made in the light of the balance still outstanding, the estimated amount of future capital expenditure and the remaining production programme.

Mr. Erroll

Can the right hon. Gentleman say if, then, the whole of the capital cost is ultimately recovered from the selling price of coal?

Mr. Gaitskell

Yes, Sir.

3. Erroll asked

the Minister of Fuel and Power what percentage of the sale price of opencast coal is represented by Departmental overheads.

Mr. Gaitskell

The estimated figure for the year ended 31st March, 1949, is 41 per cent. of the average sale price.

The following Question stood upon the Order Paper in the name of Mr. HUGH FRASER:

15. To ask the Minister of Fuel and Power what action is being taken to restore the agricultural value on the opencast mining site at Hatchley Farm, Dilhorne, Stoke-on-Trent; why machinery including a tractor has lain idle there since 1st October, 1948; why a contractor's bungalow on the site is paying neither rent nor rates; what is the work of an engineer who is on duty on the site each day; and what action he proposes to take.

Mr. Fraser

Mr. Speaker, may I point out that this Question should read, instead of "a tractor has," "six caterpillar tractors and six scrapers, the property of his Ministry, have."

Mr. Gaitskell

Restoration work on this site began last October, but early in November, owing to bad weather, the ground became waterlogged and unfit for further work, and the contractor was given permission to postpone work until the Spring. In April, however, he gave notice that he would be unable to complete his contract and alternative arrangements are now being made to complete the restoration of the site. The tractors and scrapers were not required for other work during the winter, and were left on the site for use when restoration started again.

The contractor's agent and his wife were allowed to stay in a Nissen but erected by the contractor because they could find no alternative accommodation. It is not the practice of the Ministry to charge ground rent for contractors' buildings. I have no information about rates. The engineer who uses the office on the site is mainly engaged on routine work in connection with other sites in the district.

Mr. Fraser

Is it not the fact that these tractors could have been employed in the month of November and also since April? In point of fact, they have been eating their heads off doing nothing. Further to that Irishism, is the right hon. Gentleman aware that these tractors might well have been used by his right hon. Friend who has been complaining about the lack of tractors in Tanganyika? Something like 6,000 working hours have been lost by these tractors, which I compute to amount to a loss of about £9,000. Is the Minister further aware that the firm who were employed by his Ministry have since gone bankrupt? Is no check made of firms before such contracts are given to them? Finally, is the Minister aware that a complete mess has been made of the land, and that the topsoil and the subsoil are completely and inextricably intermingled?

Mr. Gaitskell

The tractors may have been eating their heads off, but they are still alive, I am glad to say. They certainly could not have gone to Tanganyika and come back in time to do restoration work this Spring. As regards the contractor, I am glad to say that it is very rare for a contractor to break down on his contract as has happened in this case. We take all possible precautions to prevent that kind of thing happening.

17. Mr. Tom Brown

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power, in view of the Report of the Select Committee on Estimates, whether he proposes any early change in the present opencast coal policy.

Mr. Gaitskell

No, Sir; if we are to be able to meet the increasing demand for coal at home and our commitments to expand exports, it is imperative that everything possible should be done to fulfil the present opencast programme. The policy of the Government, therefore, remains as stated by my predecessor in the House on August 7th, 1947. At the same time we shall continue our effort to reduce costs of production which, as the Committee's Report shows, have fallen by nearly 10s. a ton in the last five years. My Department's reply on the detailed recommendations of the Select Committee will be forwarded to the Committee in due course.

Mr. Brown

Arising from that reply, which indicates that the Government are continuing their policy of winning opencast coal, I want to submit the following questions to the Minister: first, is he aware that the people who are living adjacent to opencast sites are suffering great mental anxiety, physical discomfort and disturbance of their domestic life, and will he take steps to eliminate or reduce to the lowest possible level the discomforts experienced; and secondly, is he further aware that the promises made on 30th March at the meeting held in the Billinge U.D.C. to the people there have not been carried out by his Department? Will he ginger them up and see that the promises are kept?

Mr. Gaitskell

With regard to the second part of the question, I will certainly follow up the information provided by my hon. Friend. As to the first part, we will certainly do everything we can to diminish the inconvenience which opencast operations cause in that locality, but I must insist that we carry out the programme if we are not to be short of coal.

Colonel Gomme-Duncan

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the devastating effect on agriculture and food production is a factor which is just as important as that of obtaining coal? Why does not that get proper consideration?

Mr. Gaitskell

It certainly does get proper consideration, but in terms of value it is very small by comparison with the value of the coal which is raised.