HC Deb 29 March 1949 vol 463 cc1026-7
32. Mr. Sidney Shephard

asked the Minister of Town and Country Planning if he will exempt from development charges land acquired or to be acquired by charitable organisations for the purpose of building homes for the aged.

The Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Town and Country Planning (Mr. King)

No, Sir. A charity holding land on 1st July, 1948, for the purpose of building homes for the aged can secure exemption from charge under Section 85 (5) of the Act. Land purchased after that date for that purpose should be acquired at existing use value and with development charge should cost no more than it would have done had the Act not been passed.

Mr. Shephard

Is the Minister aware that in many cases, this development charge is both unfair and onerous, and will he make exceptions in the case of these charitable organisations on land which they may purchase in future?

Mr. King

No, Sir. If the concession which the hon. Gentleman has in mind were made, it would benefit not the charity, but the seller of the land, who would obtain more for it than he ought to obtain.