HC Deb 24 March 1949 vol 463 cc529-30
4. Mr. Platts-Mills

asked the President of the Board of Trade how many persons are employed in the Matches Control office; and as this control is acting as a brake on the legitimate interests of the independent match manufacturers, whether he will now close down this office.

Mr. H. Wilson

The Matches Control employs a part time unpaid Controller and 67 other staff, all of whom, except for one Board of Trade officer, are paid by the industry. As I informed the House on Tuesday last, in reply to a Question by the hon. Member for Altrincham and Sale (Mr. Erroll) this Control will shortly be abolished.

Mr. Platts-Mills

Will my right hon. Friend allow me to express the satisfaction of the match-makers of Finsbury in what has happened; and will he also allow me to express the hope on the part of the citizens, that is, the match consumers, that when he comes to nationalise this—

Mr. Speaker

The hon. Gentleman cannot make a statement. He said, "Will he allow me to express the hope." He must ask a question.

Mr. Platts-Mills

Will he permit me—[HON. MEMBERS: "No."] Is the Minister aware that the citizens, who are the consumers of these matches, hope that when my right hon. Friend comes to nationalise the industry, he will not limit the controlling authority to the representatives of the great combine that has controlled it throughout its past.