HC Deb 16 March 1949 vol 462 cc2098-9
28. Mr. Donner

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what reinforcements it is now proposed to send to Malaya so that law and order may be restored within the foreseeable future, and to ensure that the great strain under which all engaged in the production of rubber and tin are now living will be quickly and progressively reduced.

Mr. Rees-Williams

I would refer the hon. Member to my right hon. Friend's written reply on 11th March to a similar Question by the hon. Member for Bury (Mr. W. Fletcher).

Mr. Donner

Is the Under-Secretary aware that unless some effective action is taken, and taken soon, the strain on key men in the rubber and tin industries will be such that they will relinquish their posts, with the most dangerous consequences to this country, since Malaya earns more dollars than the whole United Kingdom exports?

Mr. Rees-Williams

I am well aware of the strain imposed upon planters and tin miners, and we are very grateful to them for the magnificent work they have been doing and for standing up to the sort of life they have had to lead for the last few months. I am glad to say, however, that although the position is still serious in Malaya, there has been a much more hopeful turn just lately and public morale is certainly better than it was a few months ago.

Sir R. Glyn

Has it been possible to meet the request of the military local police authorities for suitable aircraft to be sent out to assist them in their work?

Mr. Rees-Williams

All the indents that have been put in by the Government for police supplies have been met.

Mr. Henderson Stewart

What reports does the hon. Member receive from unofficial sources, apart from the official reports from his representatives, because he may sometimes get the truth in unofficial reports?

Mr. Rees-Williams

We are constantly receiving letters from people in Malaya who are known to us personally or from people whom we do not know. In addition, we have Press cuttings from the various Malayan newspapers.

Mr. Gallacher

Will the Under-Secretary not consider bringing the British Forces home and, in the words of the Leader of the Opposition, "Setting the people free"?

Mr. Stanley

Do the unofficial reports and letters that are received give any indication of this more hopeful turn during the last few weeks, because that is certainly not the gist of the letters I and probably other Members in all parts of the House receive?

Mr. Rees-Williams

I think that they do. I noticed the day before yesterday a note in the "Financial Times" that the Stock Exchange prices in the rubber market had risen because of more hopeful news from Malaya. That, I think, justifies what I have been saying; that the rubber industry itself and others which effect the stock market prices have heard of this more hopeful news.

Mr. Stanley

Surely the rise in Stock Exchange prices will not be of much comfort to the planters in Malaya?

Mr. Rees-Williams

It is an indication.

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