HC Deb 15 March 1949 vol 462 c1897
43. Mr. Douglas Marshall

asked the Secretary of State for War how many soldiers have purchased their discharge to date since the recommencement of discharge by purchase; and how this figure compares with a similar period in 1938.

Mr. Shinwell

Up to the end of January, 3,122 men had been discharged under the scheme for discharge by purchase since this privilege was reintroduced in March, 1948. This total includes 561 soldiers granted a free discharge after 16 years' service or on extreme compassionate grounds. During the year ended on 31st March, 1939, 2,159 soldiers were discharged under the arrangements then in force for discharge by purchase, including 685 soldiers granted a free discharge after 12 years' service or on extreme compassionate grounds. No real comparison can be made between these figures, as until last March discharge by purchase had been in abeyance since before the war. Since August, 1948, there has been a steady fall each month in the numbers obtaining their discharge by purchase, and during the last three months the figure has levelled out at approximately 270 a month. A further drop is expected.