HC Deb 15 March 1949 vol 462 cc1893-4
39. Mr. A. R. W. Low

asked the Secretary of State for War on what grounds the establishment of Anti-Aircraft Command, which was stated on 2nd March. 1948, at column 197 of the OFFICIAL REPORT to be 192,000, has now been classed as secret.

Mr. Shinwell

As I have explained to the hon. Member, the answer referred to gave the provisional establishment of the Territorial Army by Commands, including Anti-Aircraft Command, at 31st December, 1947, and the recruiting figures to that date; that is not the same thing as giving the establishment or the strength of Anti-Aircraft Command as a whole, which would of course include the Regular as well as the Territorial component.

Mr. Low

Is not the right hon. Gentleman aware that the vast majority of Anti-Aircraft Command, as he has told the House, consists of Territorial soldiers; why has he refused to give the figures of Territorials in Anti-Aircraft Command this year; and in future when he adduces arguments to back up his keeping of secrecy, will he ensure that he does not use his imagination about the past to mislead the House?

Mr. Shinwell

I can assure the hon. Member that I have no desire to mislead the House on this or any other matter. If he is anxious to obtain from me the figures of the Territorial component of Anti-Aircraft Command, I will do my hest to furnish them; but, for reasons of security, I will not give him the figures of Anti-Aircraft Command including the Regular component.

Sir G. Jeffreys

Is it not quite certain that, whatever the total figure may be, including the Regulars it is considerably larger than 192,000?

Mr. Shinwell

That may well be, but it has nothing to do with the Question.