HC Deb 10 March 1949 vol 462 c1392
47. Mr. John Lewis

asked the Minister of Labour what negotiating machinery exists for the settlement of disputes relating to conditions of employment and rates of remuneration for those employed in professional sport who are subject to the autonomous control of self-constituted and self-appointed bodies.

The Minister of Labour (Mr. Isaacs)

I have little information about the arrangements for determining terms and conditions of employment in the various forms of professional sport or for dealing with disputes that may arise. I would, however, inform my hon. Friend that I have quite recently received a letter from the Association Football Players' Union seeking my assistance for the establishment of some form of machinery for negotiation of terms and conditions of employment of professional footballers. The Football Association and the Football League have readily responded to my invitation to meet me for a discussion with the Players' Union, and the meeting will take place on Monday afternoon next.

Mr. Lewis

Is the Minister aware that the British Boxing Board of Control can withdraw the licences of persons engaged in that sport without any appeal to an external authority, thus depriving them of their livelihood? If my right hon. Friend receives representations from any of the boxing organisations, is he prepared to give consideration to the terms and conditions under which people are employed in that particular profession of sport?

Mr. Isaacs

Yes, Sir. If either party of any of these sports asks for the help of the Ministry of Labour we shall be glad to do anything in our power to help.