HC Deb 30 June 1949 vol 466 c1506
40. Major Guy Lloyd

asked the Minister of Health what instructions his Department has given regarding priority for the provision of dentures and spectacles to persons in prison; and why it takes less time for a prisoner to be supplied than the rest of the community.

Mr. Bevan

None, Sir. Prisoners are in general dealt with under the same arrangements as apply to other persons.

Major Lloyd

Can the right hon. Gentleman account for the fact that at the annual conference of the Prison Officers' Association in Bristol the other day, speaker after speaker said from personal experience that prisoners had an overwhelming advantage in the delivery of spectacles and dentures, not only over the prison officers themselves, but over their friends and relatives and others of the community?

Mr. Bevan

There may be instances where prisoners would be able to get dentures ahead of some other members of the population. However, I will inquire to see whether the system of priorities is working in that way.