HC Deb 26 July 1949 vol 467 c2221
5. Mr. Royle

asked the Secretary of State for War if he is now in a position to say if any way has been found of reducing the charges for bringing soldiers' bodies home from different parts of the world.

Mr. Shinwell

I am glad to say that the Railway Executive have agreed to reduce by half the sea freight charge for the conveyance of soldiers' bodies from the Hook of Holland to Harwich.

Mr. Royle

May I express great satisfaction with that answer, and follow it up by asking if my right hon. Friend can now consider with the Minister of Pensions if it is possible for them to make a contribution, so that this burden may be taken off the shoulders of parents in these circumstances?

Mr. Shinwell

That would raise very wide issues which I am not prepared to answer at this stage. I think we have gone a long way in the direction that my hon. Friend desires.