HC Deb 25 July 1949 vol 467 c1816
48. Mr. York

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs the latest available figure of unemployment among the refugees at present living in South Schleswig; and whether any plans have been agreed for their employment.

Mr. Mayhew

Unemployed refugees in South Schleswig on 30th June numbered 24,170 men and 9,863 women. No special employment plans have been agreed for refugees as distinct from the rest of the unemployed population.

Mr. York

Have the Government taken any steps with the other Governments concerned to solve the problem of the large amount of unemployment in the area?

Mr. Mayhew

Yes, Sir, we have been in touch with the Governments of France and of the United States on the question of refugees in South Schleswig. We have reached an agreement, the details of which I shall be glad to send to the hon. Member.

Professor Savory

Is it not the case that very considerable progress had already been made with transferring unemployed refugees? Can we not have further details after all these weeks?

Mr. Mayhew

Progress has been made. I regret that the problem is still very grave.