HC Deb 21 July 1949 vol 467 cc1564-8
Mr. Eden

Could the Leader of the House tell us the Business for next week?

The Lord President of the Council (Mr. Herbert Morrison)

I am much obliged to the right hon. Gentleman—

Mr. Eden

Why does the right hon. Gentleman say that?

Mr. Churchill

Perhaps the right hon. Gentleman could not think of anything else to say.

Mr. Morrison

The Business for next: week will be as follows:

Monday, 25th July—Consideration of Lords Amendments to the Iron and Steel Bill.

Tuesday, 26th July—Supply [25th Allotted Day], Committee: Debate on Fuel and Power with particular reference to coal, gas and electricity;

At 9.30 p.m. the Committee stage of all outstanding Votes will be put from the Chair;

Consideration of Lords Amendments to the Licensing Bill;

Consideration of Motions to approve the draft Civil Defence Regulations and similar Regulations for Scotland; the House of Commons (Redistribution of Seats) Order, as well as No. 2 and No. 3 Orders; and the Representation of the People (Northern Ireland) (No. 2) Regulations.

Wednesday, 27th July—Supply [26th Allotted Day], Report; Debate on Groundnuts until about 6.30 p.m. and afterwards, Debate on Agriculture;

At 9.30 p.m. the Questions on outstanding Votes on Report will be put from the Chair;

Consideration of Lords Amendments to the Housing Bill, and to the Legal Aid and Solicitors (Scotland) Bill, if received from another place;

Consideration of Motions to approve the Greenwich Hospital Accounts, and the draft National Health Service (Scotland) (Superannuation) (Amendment) Regulations.

Thursday, 28th July—Second Reading of the Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) Bill, which it is proposed to take formally.

Debate on the Report of the Royal Commission on the Press which will arise on the Government Motion standing on the Order Paper.

(That this House, having taken into consideration the Report of the Royal Commission on the Press (Cmd. 7700) would welcome all possible action on the part of the Press to give effect to the Commission's conclusions and recommendations.)

Friday, 29th July—The House will meet at the usual hour of 11 a.m.

Committee and remaining stages of the Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) Bill.

Debate on Africa.

Saturday, 30th July—It is proposed that the House do meet at 11 a.m. and sit until 4 p.m. when we shall adjourn for the Summer Recess until Tuesday, 18th October.

During the week it will be necessary to complete any outstanding Business and to consider any further Messages from another place about Amendments to Bills.

Mr. Eden

The right hon. Gentleman no doubt realises that as regards the business for Monday, there are a great number of Amendments which will probably result in our having to sit late. As regards Tuesday, perhaps I should now give an intimation to the House that, should the position in our view warrant it in relation to the dock position, we would either change the Business for Tuesday to half a day or move for a whole day in order to discuss that situation.

Mr. E. L. Mallalieu

Could I ask the Lord President whether we shall have a chance before the Recess of discussing the Clothing Industry Development Council Order since that order is due to come into force on 1st October?

Mr. Morrison

My hon. Friend will see from the programme I have announced for next week that it would not be exactly easy to put in anything else. The order has been laid by my right hon. Friend the President of the Board of Trade, and it is the intention of the Government to proceed with the affirmation of the order as soon as possible after we come back after the Summer Recess.

Mr. Awbery

In view of the interest being taken in African affairs, particularly in groundnuts, which subject is to be debated on Friday, could the Leader of the House give some idea of Low long the discussion will be?

Mr. Morrison

I announced that on Wednesday there would be a Debate on groundnuts until about 6.30 p.m.

Mr. Basil Nield

Would the Leader of the House let us know the intentions of the Government with regard to a Private Member's Bill called the Adoption of Children Bill? I understand that the Amendments are expected from another place next week. Will the Government give time to consider those next week?

Mr. Morrison

I understand that the Bill has completed all its stages in this House in the ordinary way under the timetable. Therefore, I should have thought that if Amendments came from another place facilities would be provided for their consideration, and I should hope to have the co-operation of the House generally. It is not, however, essential that this should be done before the Summer Recess, although we shall keep the matter in mind.

Miss Bacon

May I ask my right hon. Friend whether by "the usual time" on Friday he means 11 o'clock or 2.30 p.m.; and if he means 11 o'clock, is it proposed that the Sitting should finish at 4.30?

Mr. Morrison

The House will meet at 11 o'clock on Friday and the Sitting will terminate, unless the House decides otherwise, at the usual time for an ordinary Friday, as if there were no Saturday Sitting thereafter.

Mr. Ronald Chamberlain

Can my right hon. Friend tell us the position about Saturday of next week? Will there be merely an Adjournment Debate?

Mr. Morrison

Not "merely." This is an occasion when hon. Members like the hon. Member for Norwood (Mr. Chamberlain) have an opportunity to raise matters affecting their constituents. It is a most important occasion.

Mr. Haydn Davies

Am I to understand that Thursday's Debate will be opened on the Government Motion which is now on the Order Paper, which will mean that the winding-up speech will come from the Opposition Front Bench; and in that case may we have a little extension of time, because there are many Members who wish to speak in the Debate?

Mr. Morrison

It is proposed, presuming that the Opposition are agreeable, that the Government should open the Debate by moving the Motion. On the other hand, if it were preferred by the Opposition to put in a speaker in front of the Government speaker, no doubt arrangements could be made to that end. The probable line is that the Debate will open by the Government moving the Motion, but if there are any other views we shall be glad to consider them.

Mr. McKinlay

Can the Leader of the House say whether there is any reason why Scottish business should be put on after midnight, and is it fair for my right hon. Friend so to arrange the Sitting on Saturday as to prevent many hon. Members who are still in the dark about the future of Tory policy, from hearing the declaration which is to be made on that day?

Mr. Morrison

I can assure my hon. Friend that there is nothing exceptional about the position of Scottish business next week. English orders are also taken late at night and Scotland, therefore, is not being treated any worse.

Mr. Piratin

If the House is to adjourn on Saturday week, can the Leader of the House say when it will resume?

Mr. Morrison

I have already announced that. The hon. Member will be late for the revolution if he is not careful.

Ordered: That this day Business other than the Business of Supply may be taken before Ten o'Clock.—[Mr. H. Morrison.]

Proceedings on Government Business exempted, at this day's Sitting, from the provisions of Standing Order No. 1 (Sittings of the House).—[Mr. H. Morrison.]