HC Deb 20 July 1949 vol 467 c1391


Considered in Committee.

[Major MILNER in the Chair]

The Chairman

Before I propose the Question, I think I should inform the Committee that a large number of Members have indicated their wish to speak in this Debate. As time is limited, and in the hope that it will be possible for a larger number of Members to take part than is normally the case, I think I should indicate to the Committee that I propose to consider, as one of the factors in selecting speakers, the factor of time; that is to say—and, of course, this does not include speakers from the Front Bench—that the claims of hon. Members who indicate to me that they will take a reasonable time in their speeches will have that factor taken into consideration when the selection is made. I hope that thereby it will be possible for a larger number of hon. Members to take part in the Debate than has been the case on some recent occasions.

Mr. Oliver Stanley (Bristol, West)

Perhaps it may be useful if I tell the Committee that unless there are some unforseen circumstances we hope, on a Supply Day next week, to have half-a-day for the more detailed discussion of the African question and it may, therefore, suit some hon. Members to postpone their speeches to that day.

The Chairman

I am obliged to the right hon. Member for that indication, which will be helpful.