HC Deb 19 July 1949 vol 467 c1162
54. Mr. Gammans

asked the President of the Board of Trade to what extent he has now been able to increase the imports of hard and soft wood from Malaya.

Mr. Bottomley

I am glad to say that imports of hardwood from Malaya were 137,000 cubic feet in the first six months of this year as against 86,000 cubic feet during the whole of 1948. There are no softwoods of commercial significance in Malaya, though some light hardwoods are locally termed softwoods.

Mr. Gammans

If there is likely to be a still further increase will the hon. Gentleman say how the price compares with the price for the purchase of similar hardwoods in other parts of the world?

Mr. Bottomley

It is possible there may be an improvement, but on the question of price I cannot give an answer. If the hon. Gentleman will put a Question down I will endeavour to do so.