HC Deb 18 July 1949 vol 467 cc960-1
43. Mr. W. Fletcher

asked the Minister of Transport whether he is aware that at Sloane Square and elsewhere in London pedestrians are being deprived of the right of passage at pedestrian crossings by the drivers of motor vehicles, with consequent danger to life; and whether he will now review his regulations dealing with this matter.

Mr. Barnes

I am aware that drivers do not always give way to pedestrians on crossings. I am about to make new regulations which are designed to clarify the rights and obligations of road users at pedestrian crossings.

Mr. Fletcher

Will the right hon. Gentleman bear in mind, while this action, which one appreciates very much, is being taken, that at Sloane Square the enormous numbers of passengers coming out of the Underground are quite unable to get across until after a considerable amount of time because the traffic surges forward?

Mr. Barnes

That point has been looked into.

Mr. Wilson Harris

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that many motorists there would never get from Lower Sloane Street and Sloane Square unless pedestrians did give way, and that there should be a reasonable amount of give and take in this matter, because there is a perpetual stream of pedestrians there?

Mr. Barnes

Everyone is seized of this problem, and the new proposals are the outcome of considerable investigation and, I consider, will ease this problem.