HC Deb 14 July 1949 vol 467 c638
11. Mr. Eric Fletcher

asked the President of the Board of Trade when he proposes to withdraw S.R. & O., 1943, No. 430, which restricts the freedom of cinematograph exhibitors in their choice of news reels.

Mr. H. Wilson

Subject to the supply of film base, which has to be paid for with dollars, the Cinematograph Film (Control) Order, 1943, will be withdrawn as soon as it becomes unnecessary to restrict the home consumption of raw film stock in order to satisfy export demands.

Mr. Fletcher

Would the Minister consider whether, without increasing in any way the total consumption of raw stock and still restricting distributors, it would not be possible to restore freedom of choice to consumers?

Mr. Wilson

I am quite prepared to consider that, if anyone can work out a scheme which will not involve an increase in consumption of the stock.

Mr. John Foster

Would the right hon. Gentleman not consider allowing the same number of films to be produced and leaving it to the free choice of those who wish to have news reels; or, alternatively, to allow them to be able to cancel news reels and compete for what is left, since both these systems would not increase the amount of film used?

Mr. Wilson

I am quite prepared to inquire into any scheme if I can be satisfied that it will not involve an increase in the consumption of stock.