HC Deb 11 July 1949 vol 467 cc1-2
1. Mr. J. Langford-Holt

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power the final figure of concessionary coal issued during 1948; and what classes of individuals are entitled to receive this concession.

The Minister of Fuel and Power (Mr. Gaitskell)

The final figure of concessionary coal issued to miners during 1948 is not yet available, but it is not expected that it will differ substantially from the provisional figure of 4,990,000 tons given in reply to the hon. Member for Northwich (Mr. J. Foster) on 16th May. The classes of individuals who are entitled to concessionary coal under collective wage agreements, by their contract of service or by customary practice, vary from district to district, and even, in some districts, from colliery to colliery. The main class is, of course, the mineworkers, but in some places ancillary workers, colliery officials and staff get it. Generally speaking, the recipient must be the head of a family, or a householder.

Mr. Langford-Holt

Can the right hon. Gentleman say when the final figure will be available? Can he also either confirm, or deny, that it is the policy of the Government and the National Coal Board to discontinue this practice?

Mr. Gaitskell

In reply to the first part of the Question, I expect to get the figures about the beginning of August. As to the second part of the Question, I do not think it is our policy to discontinue this method of payment, but the whole question is now under consideration by the National Coal Board and the National Union of Mineworkers.

Mr. Emrys Hughes

In some parts of the country clergymen still get coal; are they classified as ancillary workers?

Mr. Gaitskell

No, but I expect there is a contract under which the Coal Board deliver coal to them.