HC Deb 28 February 1949 vol 462 c62

Considered in Committee of the Whole House under Standing Order No. 84.—[King's Recommendation signified.]

[Mr. BOWLES in the Chair]

Resolved: That, for the purposes of any Act of the present Session to establish new tribunals to determine in place of official arbitrators and others certain questions relating to compensation for the compulsory acquisition of land and other matters and for purposes connected therewith, it is expedient to authorise the payment out of moneys provided by Parliament—

  1. (a) of remuneration of members, officers and servants of any tribunal established by the Act, of travelling and subsistence allowances of members and superannuation allowances of past members of any such tribunal, and of other expenses of any such tribunal (including payments to persons sitting as assessors); and
  2. (b) of compensation to persons suffering loss of office or employment, or loss or diminution of emoluments, which is attributable to the transfer of any jurisdiction to any such tribunal by or under the Act."—[Mr. Glenvil Hall.]

Resolution to be reported upon Monday next.