HC Deb 21 February 1949 vol 461 cc1594-5
91. Mr. Erroll

asked the Minister of Works what is the reason for the loss of £882,000 expected from the sale of concrete sleepers during 1948–49.

Mr. Key

There was no loss on the sale of concrete sleepers during 1948–49. Production fell short of the number on which the estimate was based so that both expenditure and receipts were less than anticipated.

Mr. Erroll

As this figure is shown in the Supplementary Estimates, surely the Minister can explain why the loss is so great, and why production is continuing on a sleeper the railways do not want?

Mr. Key

There is no loss; it is due to a fall in production. The hon. Member will see that there is also a sum of £610,000 in the Estimates as being less than the amount anticipated to meet the cost of production. The rate of production has now been increased and output is up to expectations.