HC Deb 17 February 1949 vol 461 cc1321-2
16. Mrs. Middleton

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many training centres for training in child care and welfare work have been set up under the provisions of the Childrens Act; how many such centres are in process of being set up; how many further centres are contemplated; and what will be the total number of students able to be accommodated when the programme is complete.

Mr. Ede

The training arrangements approved by the Central Training Council in Child Care include six courses for boarding out officers at Universities; six courses of training for work in children's homes already started, and one about to be started, by education authorities and technical institutes; and three similar courses arranged by voluntary organisations. By the Autumn about 150 persons will have been trained as boarding out officers and 250 for work in children's homes. The programme is being expanded as rapidly as is consistent with giving adequate training, and I cannot at present say what the ultimate output of the courses will be.

Mrs. Middleton

Is my right hon. Friend aware that many local authorities are finding it difficult to recruit personnel suitably qualified for this work and will he do everything within his power to extend facilities for training?

Mr. Ede

Yes, Sir. I know of the difficulties and I hope that an increasing number of suitable people will come forward for training. We are endeavouring to provide training facilities for all who volunteer.