HC Deb 16 February 1949 vol 461 cc1117-8
6. Mr. Edward Davies

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what arrangements are made to provide suitable hostel or other accommodation for colonial students arriving in this country for the first time; and whether he is satisfied with the present position.

Mr. Creech Jones

Arrangements are made to provide colonial students with accommodation in hostels, University Halls of Residence, or in suitable lodgings. I am satisfied that the arrangements for new arrivals are adequate.

Mr. Davies

Would not the Minister agree that wherever possible it is desirable for West Africans and other colonial people coming to this country to have an opportunity to mix with good English families? Will he pay increasing attention to that and get more families to make offers to accommodate them?

Mr. Creech Jones

Yes, it is part of our general policy not to segregate colonial peoples in this country but to find accommodation for them as far as possible in British homes. Obviously, however, there are very real difficulties and hostels become essential if we are to cope with the problem of accommodation for the students coming here.

Mr. Lennox-Boyd

May I ask the right hon. Gentleman if anything is being done to provide playing field facilities for the students?

Mr. Creech Jones

That problem is being looked into at the moment by the welfare department of the Colonial Office.

Mr. Wilson Harris

Are there at present any hostels for British and Colonial students, mixed?

Mr. Creech Jones

We are anxious in the case of the universities that such hostels should be established and some progress has already been made. I believe in the case of London there is already a mixed hostel in operation.

Colonel Clarke

Could the right hon. Gentleman say whether one of these hostels is at Colonial House, Stepney? Is he aware that it is reported that this house was raided on 29th January, by the police as a gambling house and that it is also reported as a centre of undesirable ideological propaganda?

Mr. Creech Jones

I should like notice of that question. I am aware that there has been some incident at the East End hostel or centre but I am not in a position to answer for the facts without proper notice.