HC Deb 08 February 1949 vol 461 cc182-4
31. Mr. Malcolm MacMillan

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he is aware that several hundred people in Bernera Island are denied the benefits of the National Health Service through isolation in stormy weather owing to delay in constructing the proposed bridge to link this island with the Isle of Lewis; what contribution he is prepared to make to the cost of the bridge; and when work is expected to begin.

Mr. Woodburn

I am aware of the need for better access to the island of Bernera. With regard to the proposed bridge, the county council have been authorised to carry the preparatory work for this project to the contract-letting stage in order that the actual construction work may be put in hand without delay, when it becomes possible to provide the necessary materials. Sixty per cent. of the cost of the preparatory work is being met by the Ministry of Transport and 25 per cent. by my Department.

Mr. MacMillan

While we are grateful that the Treasury, after inordinate delay, have now agreed to permit the survey to go ahead, the death of another of my constituents has been reported and, because she was not able to go to the mainland, a young girl patient was not able to have urgently needed surgical treatment. Will my right hon. Friend and the Government take urgent steps to see that this work is done in case the electorate are guilty of an electoral aberration in 1950 and the Government find themselves in the position of not being able to honour their pledge?

32. Mr. M. MacMillan

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he is aware that many ex-Service fishermen and others in the Western Isles are unable to take any advantage of the grants and loans available for fishing boats or gear because of the lack of piers, boat shelters and jetties; that this is causing unemployment and loss of fresh fish supplies; and whether he will expedite the settlement by his Department of all cases where schemes are sponsored by local authorities, including the proposed Portnaguran, Isle of Lewis, pier.

Mr. Woodburn

I am aware that there is a widespread demand for the provision of piers in the Western Isles and any reasonable proposals in this connection. which are put forward by the responsible local authorities, will receive sympathetic consideration. The County Council of Ross and Cromarty are considering, at my request, whether the needs of Portnaguran would be met by the provision of a pier and boat-slip.

Mr. MacMillan

Is my right hon. Friend aware that for more than 90 years we have been having sympathetic consideration for the Porthnaguran Pier, but that sympathetic consideration has neither built the pier nor caught any fish? Will he make these grants useful to the men by going ahead with the work?

Mr. Woodburn

I think my hon. Friend might turn his eyes to some of the things which have been done occasionally and not always to things which have not been done.

Mr. MacMillan

Perhaps I am more familiar with that area and its problems than my right hon. Friend. I am not in the least ungrateful for the grants for boats and gear which are most generous, but we cannot take advantage of them until the piers and shelters are built. Surely that calls for some action by the Treasury and the right hon. Gentleman?

33. Mr. M. MacMillan

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he will now state the position regarding the proposed road, jetties and agricultural developments in the Scottish Department of Agriculture estate, the Isle of Vatersay; and when these schemes are to begin.

Mr. Woodburn

I have invited the County Council of Inverness to co-operate with me in the provision of one main jetty to serve as access to the island and in the provision of roads of county highway standard from that jetty to the main centres of population. In addition to the normal grant of works of this kind, I am prepared to make a supplementary contribution from estate funds which will limit their contribution. I have also made an offer to the tenants to meet the full capital cost of a Hill Farm Improvement Scheme for the island grazings. These schemes will be put in hand when agreements have been reached with the county council and the tenants.

Mr. MacMillan

May I assure my right hon. Friend that this will give the greatest possible satisfaction to all concerned?