§ 26. Mr. Longdenasked the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he is aware of the continuance of a high rate of criminal assaults on individuals arising from the unsocial actions of men who depend for a livelihood on the possession of fake identity cards and stolen ration units; and if he will introduce such legislation as would enable him the more certainly to locate and deal with these culprits.
§ The Secretary of State for the Home Department (Mr. Ede)My information does not confirm the suggestion contained in my hon. Friend's Question that there is any close connection between crimes of violence on the one hand and offences such as the improper possession of identity cards or ration documents on the other. I am satisfied, however, that sufficient statutory powers are available to deal with both classes of offence
§ Mr. LongdenCould not the Minister find a partial remedy in endeavouring to induce the Government to grant an amnesty to deserters who have suffered so much already and now, through sheer desperation, are inflicting their vengeance on the public?
§ Mr. EdeThat question has been put before. I am bound to say that the amount of crime due to deserters is not as high as has been alleged.