HC Deb 12 April 1949 vol 463 c2627
29. Sir D. Robertson

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland to what extent contracts for this season's fresh or cured Scotch herring have been made with the Control Commission in Germany or are contemplated; and what are the maximum quantities in cwts.

Mr. Woodburn

No contracts for the supply of fresh or cured herring to Germany from the coming season's catch have yet been made but negotiations are expected to begin next week.

Sir D. Robertson

Will the right hon. Gentleman bear in mind that our people are in urgent need of food, particularly proteins and fats, and will he take steps to see that they get the first refusal of these valuable herring?

Mr. Woodburn

The herring are made available to our people and there is no difficulty on that score.

30. Sir D. Robertson

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he estimates that the quick-freezing targets for herring set out on page 26 of the Herring Industry Report for the year ended 31st March, 1946, are likely to be achieved by 1951 or at an earlier date.

Mr. Woodburn

The difficulties of obtaining plant and of working at a profit under the existing price arrangements make it unlikely that the Herring Industry Board's target will be reached by 1951.

Sir D. Robertson

Who controls the existing price arrangements? It must be the Government, of which the right hon. Gentleman is a member. Will he take steps to see that a price control arrangement is made possible, so that this great development can come about?

Mr. Woodburn

These matters are continually under discussion, and everything is being done to help the herring industry, as the hon. Gentleman knows.