HC Deb 06 April 1949 vol 463 c2056
80 and 81. Mr. Sorensen

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies (1) what is the present position of the dispute between the Oni of Ife in Nigeria and the Modakekes respecting Ishakole; and what action has been taken to secure an equitable and satisfactory settlement;

(2) how many arrests have taken place in Ijebu-Rems and Ishua in Benin arising from the disturbances in those areas; what is the position respecting the Olishua in Ishua; and what steps have been taken to secure effectual settlement of the grievances underlying the disturbances.

Mr. Rees-Williams

The Governor has been asked for a report on the matters raised, and I will communicate with my hon. Friend when his reply has been received.

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