HC Deb 04 April 1949 vol 463 cc1703-4
Mr. T. Williams

I beg to move, in page 16, line 12, to leave out: constituted or appointed under that Act. The only point about this is that for the first time there is the possibility of an Agricultural Marketing Re-organisation Commission for Great Britain and Northern Ireland, which could operate in England and Northern Ireland or in Scotland and Northern Ireland. The same sort of a procedure shall apply to it as in the case of the committee of investigation.

Sir T. Dugdale

There is one point which requires clarification. On previous stages of the Bill the Minister told us that there have been schemes in Northern Ireland and in the United Kingdom before. What this Clause does is to enable the Minister to have a combined new scheme, but he could not under this legislation, have a scheme for Northern Ireland alone. Am I right?

Mr. Williams

That is perfectly true.

Amendment agreed to.

Further Amendment made: In page 16, line 14, leave out from "as," to "committees," in line 16, and insert: applies the said section sixteen to Agricultural Marketing Re-organisation Commissions for Great Britain and Northern Ireland, for England and Northern Ireland and for Scotland and Northern Ireland, extends the functions of consumers committees, committees of investigation and Agricultural Marketing Facilities Committees, enables committees of investigation to consist of a chairman and five members or requires that when consumers committees, committees of investigation or Agricultural Marketing Facilities.

Clause, as amended, ordered to stand part of the Bill.

Bill reported, with Amendments; as amended (in the Standing Committee and on recommittal) considered.