HC Deb 23 September 1948 vol 456 c1081
46. Mr. Thornton-Kemsley

asked the Minister of Labour whether he is aware that the Agricultural Machinery Mobile Repair Unit at Kinnell, Angus, are employing about 15 Polish ex-Servicemen as mechanics; and.what steps were taken to make sure that no British mechanics were available for employment by this Unit.

The Minister of Labour (Mr. Isaacs)

The number of Polish ex-Service men supplied to this Repair Unit is seven and these were supplied not as mechanics but for unskilled work. Before approving their engagement my local officer satisfied himself that no suitable and willing unemployed British candidates were available for the work.

Mr. Thornton-Kemsley

Can the Minister say whether any arrangement exists in this case for consultation by other Ministers with his Department before help is given—as it was given in this case—to set up an organisation of this kind'? My information is that, in fact, British mechanics are wanting jobs at the present time in this area.

Mr. Isaacs

The procedure we follow when application is made for the employment of foreign labour is that the books of the employment exchange and the adjoining exchanges are checked for British labour; then British labour, if available, is consulted and if it is unwilling to take the job we fall back on this other labour.