HC Deb 23 September 1948 vol 456 cc1068-9
14. Sir W. Smithers

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power if he will made a statement as to the circumstances under which he dismissed Mr. E. G. Phillips, of the North Midland Fuel Efficiency Committee.

16. Lieut.-Commander Gurney Braithwaite

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power in what circumstances Mr. E. G. Phillips, O.B.E., was called upon to resign the chairmanship of the North Midland Fuel Efficiency Committee.

Mr. Gaitskell

The functions of Regional Fuel Efficiency Committees, as was made clear in the revised terms of reference given to them last February, are advisory. Their members are invited to give my Department expert advice on the technical problems of fuel utilisation, but not to undertake executive action in individual cases. I am certain that failure to maintain this distinction might gravely prejudice the work of the Ministry on fuel efficiency.

Unfortunately, it recently became clear that there was fundamental disagreement between Mr. Phillips and myself on this point, and in particular as to what action he could appropriately take in his capacity as Chairman of an advisory committee. In these circumstances, much as I regretted losing Mr. Phillips' services, I felt that I could not agree to his continuing to occupy the position of Chairman of the North Midland Fuel Efficiency Committee.

Sir W. Smithers

Is it not a fact that the Minister has broken a contract with Mr. Phillips, and is there no appeal by Mr. Phillips against these Hitlerian methods?

Mr. Gaitskell

The answer to both questions is in the negative.

Sir W. Smithers

May I give notice that I will raise this matter on the Motion for the Adjournment as soon as possible?

Lieut.-Commander Braithwaite


Mr. Speaker

The hon. and gallant Gentleman cannot now ask his supplementary question.

Sir W. Smithers

May I withdraw that notice?

Hon. Members
