HC Deb 20 September 1948 vol 456 cc497-8
34. Mr. Teeling

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether His Majesty's Government has now recognised the new Southern Korean Government; and whether he has any statement to make regarding the present position in Korea.

Mr. Mayhew

The answer to the first part of the Question is, "No, Sir." In South Korea, the National Assembly elected under the supervision of the United Nations Temporary Commission on Korea has adopted a Constitution and has elected Dr. Syngman Rhee as President of the Republic. The formation of the new Government was notified to the United Nations Temporary Commission on 6th August. On 23rd August, the United States authorities announced the formal ending of the occupation, the withdrawal of the United States Commanding General, and his replacement by a diplomatic representative with the personal rank of Ambassador who is now supervising the transfer of power to the new Government. The report of the United Nations Temporary Commission on the conduct of the elections is to be submitted to the General Assembly at the forthcoming session in Paris.

In the Soviet Zone, a constitution on Soviet lines is reported to have been adopted on 10th July. Subsequently an administration was formed under the same leadership as before.

Mr. Teeling

If the Government of the United States have recognised this Southern Korean Government, can the hon. Gentleman tell us why we also have not done so?

Mr. Mayhew

We think that formal recognition would be premature before the presentation of the Report to the current United Nations Assembly.

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