HC Deb 29 November 1948 vol 458 cc1607-8
6. Mr. Reeves

asked the Minister of Works whether facilities are being provided for Members of the House of Commons to witness the screening of films and to listen-in to wireless and television programmes in the new House of Commons.

Mr. Key

It is hoped to provide facilities for listening to wireless and television programmes when the new House of Commons is completed. No provision is being made for a cinema, but it is intended that the present arrangements will continue by which films of Parliamentary interest may be exhibited in the Grand Committee Room off Westminster Hall.

Mr. Reeves

Will my right hon. Friend ensure that the conditions in that room are much more satisfactory than at present for the exhibition of films, since it is hardly suitable?

Mr. Key

I have had no complaint put before me so far, but if the authorities of the House put any complaints to me about the room, I will certainly investigate them and deal with the matter.

Mr. Eden

Will the right hon. Gentleman consider whether he can spare us, when we go back to our old House, from the loudspeaker programme in the House itself?

Mr. Key

Careful consideration is being given to this.

9. Mr. J. P. W. Mallalieu

asked the Minister of Works what accommodation will be provided in the new House of Commons for civil servants awaiting their turn of duty in the officials' box.

Mr. Key

I understand that the authorities of the House intend to allocate a room for this purpose.

Mr. Mallalieu

Will the room be close to the Chamber itself, and will it include a ticker-machine so that the civil servants can follow the proceedings in the House?

Mr. Key

I have to take instructions from the authorities of the House with regard to that. It is not my decision.