HC Deb 23 November 1948 vol 458 cc1053-4
7. Mr. Niall Macpherson

asked the Minister of National Insurance whether he will consider raising the upper limit of 30s. which widowed mothers are permitted to earn without reduction of pension and allowance; and what the total cost of wholly removing the limit on earnings of widowed mothers would be.

Mr. J. Griffiths

Any change in this limit would require legislation involving consideration of the purpose for which the widowed mother's allowance is provided. The initial cost of making the allowance payable regardless of earnings would be about £1 million a year, and it might rise, ultimately, to about £2 million.

Mr. Macpherson

In view of the severe loss which a household suffers by the death of its normal breadwinner, and the fact that many women could put in more hours than at present, thereby increasing their earnings, does not the right hon. Gentleman consider £1 million or £2 million would be worth it?

Mr. Griffiths

In these cases we increased permitted earnings from £1 to 30s., but in the case of widows with children a big social problem is involved. It has to be considered if it is desirable in all cases that they should take work.

Mr. Chetwynd

Instead of deducting 1s. for every 1s. above 30s. would my right hon. Friend consider deducting 1s. for every 5s. over 30s.?

Mr. Griffiths

The scheme has been in operation for only a few weeks. We are watching it very carefully, and when we have had more experience we shall give it further consideration.

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