HC Deb 18 November 1948 vol 458 cc528-33
8. Mr. H. D. Hughes

asked the Minister of Education if he will give the names of members of the governing bodies of the national colleges for various industries so far established, indicating their educational and industrial qualifications.

Mr. Tomlinson

With permission I will circulate in the OFFICIAL REPORT the names of the members and the bodies by whom they are nominated.

Mr. Hughes

Is my right- hon. Friend satisfied that a proper balance has been secured between the representation of educational and industrial interests on these bodies, and is he also satisfied that the industrial representation is as weighty and representative as can be secured?

Mr. Tomlinson

It is difficult to say that one is always satisfied that a proper balance has been obtained, but I think that if my hon. Friend will read the lists which I am sending him he will find that they are as good as can be obtained.

Following is the information:

Name Nominated by
Other Governors:—cont.
H. B. Egmont Hake The Rubber Growers' Association.
Dr. J. R. Scott The Research Association of British Rubber Manufacturers.
L. Mullins The Research Association of British Rubber Manufacturers.
Dr. G. Gee The British Rubber Producers' Research Association.
Dr. C. M. Blow The British Rubber Producers' Research Association.
T. H. Hodgson The National Joint Industrial Council for the Rubber Manufacturing Industry.
C. H. Beckett The National Joint Industrial Council for the Rubber Manufacturing Industry.
G. Ayres The Middlesex Local Education Authority
E. C. Given, C.B.E. London County Council.
Miss Irene Marcouse. J.P. London County Council.
R. L. Roberts, C.B.E. The Governing Body of the Northern Polytechnic.
Sir Paul Booth, D.L. The Governing Body of the Northern Polytechnic.
W. T. Wells, M.P. The Governing Body of the Northern Polytechnic.
G. J. Pryke The Governing Body of the Northern Polytechnic.
Dr. P. C. L. Thorne, H.M.I. Appointed by the Minister of Education.
Name Nominated by
Sir Allan Gordon Smith, K.B.E., D.L..
Other Governors:—
Major G. Dennison Worshipful Company of Clockmakers.
E. Buerger British Clock Manufacturers' Association.
V. G. S. Z. de Ferranti British Clock Manufacturers' Association.
H. V. Slade British Clock Manufacturers' Association.
W. A. Jackson Synchronous Clock Conference.
D. W. Barrett Clock Manufacturers' Industrial and Export Group.
F. Wakeham Scientific Instrument Manufacturers' Association.
Sir Harold S. Jones, F.R.S., M.A. British Horological Institute.
J. R. W. Ridgway Trades Union Congress.
G. W. Thomson Trades Union Congress.
B. Ingram Governing Body of the Northampton Polytechnic.
F. Mercer Governing Body of the Northampton Polytechnic.
D. Northall-Laurie Governing Body of the Northampton Polytechnic.
G A. Whipple Governing Body of the Northampton Polytechnic.
J. S. Cook, B.Sc. London County Council.
C. I. Orr-Ewing, O.B.E.. London County Council.
C. H. Wright, A.M.I.E.E. Secretary of State for Scotland.
W. R. McGaw Minister of Supply and Aircraft Production.
F. A. Gould National Physical Laboratory.
H. C Weston, H.M.I. Appointed by the Minister of Education.
J. Ferguson, H.M.I. Appointed by the Secretary of State for Scotland.
Name Nominated by
R. G. Hosking, C.B.E.
Other Governors:—
D. G. Bisset The Joint Iron Council. (Representing the Council of Iron Foundry Associations and the Council of Iron Producers).
Name Nominated by
Other Governors:—cont.
Dr. J. E. Hurst, J.P. The Joint Iron Council. (Representing the Council of Iron Foundry Associations and the Council of Iron Producers).
S. H. Russell The Joint Iron Council.(Representing the Council of Iron Foundry Associations and the Council of Iron Producers).
P. H. Wilson, O.B.E.. The Joint Iron Council. (Representing the Council of Iron Foundry Associations and the Council of Iron Producers).
W. S. Lawson The Association of Brass and Bronze Founders.
A. B. Lloyd The British Steel Founders' Association.
A. J. Murphy The British Non-Ferrous Metals Research Association.
J. G. Pearce The British Cast Iron Research Association.
Dr. E. Gregory The British Iron and Steel Research Association.
L. Fletcher The Light Metal Founders' Association.
H. E. Cookson The Iron and Steel Institute.
C. C. Booth, J.P. The Institute of British Foundrymen.
E. Bowen Institution of Mechanical Engineers.
J. W. Berry The Institution of Production Engineers.
C. McCaw The West Midland Advisory Council for Further Education.
Professor L. Aitchison Birmingham University.
Alderman J. Clark, J.P. The Governing Body of the Wolverhampton and Staffordshire Technical College.
Alderman A. A. Beach, J.P. The Governing Body of the Wolverhampton and Staffordshire Technical College.
Alderman L. Davies, J.P. The Governing Body of the Wolverhampton and Staffordshire Technical College.
Alderman B. Bilboe, J.P. The Governing Body of the Wolverhampton and Staffordshire Technical College.
Councillor W. J. Foster The Wolverhampton Local Education Authority.
J. H. Parker-Oxspring The Staffordshire Local Education Authority.
A. Bennett The Trades Union Congress.
J. Gardner The Trades Union Congress.
Co-opted Members: —
L. Evans, C.B.E.
Sir Archibald McKinstry
R. W. Blount, H.M.I. Appointed by the Minister of Education.
J. Ferguson, H.M.I. Appointed by the Secretary of State for Scotland.
Name Nominated by
H. A. Secretan, O.B.E.., M.A..
Other Governors:—
J. W. L. Beaven Association of Heating, Ventilating and Domestic Engineering Employers.
W. L. Swain Association of Heating, Ventilating and Domestic Engineering Employers.
L. C. Watts Association of Heating, Ventilating and Domestic Engineering Employers.
F. R. L. White Association of Heating, Ventilating and Domestic Engineering Employers.
A. Nicol British Refrigeration Association.
E. G. Batt British Refrigeration Association.
C. M. Brain Institute of Refrigeration.
C. J. Taylor Institute of Refrigeration.
G. L. Copping Fan Manufacturers' Association, Ltd.
F. D. Moul Fan Manufacturers' Association, Ltd.
D. S. Woodley Fan Manufacturers' Association, Ltd.
M. G. Woods Fan Manufacturers' Association, Ltd.
L. H. Nicklin National Union of Operative Heating and Domestic Engineers and General Metalworkers.
Name Nominated by
Other Governors:—cont.
V. E. Wymans Trades Union Congress.
E. J. Turner Trades Union Congress.
D. C. Highton Governing Body of the Borough Polytechnic.
J. W. Cooling Governing Body of the Borough Polytechnic.
F. G. Woollard, D.L.., J.P. Governing Body of the Borough Polytechnic.
Mrs. M. Ormerod Governing Body of the Borough Polytechnic.
J. J. Keen London County Council.
A. C Wates London County Council.
W. C. Peck University of London.
I. G. Evans Department of Scientific and Industrial Research.
J. B. M. Hay, H.M.I. Appointed by the Minister of Education.
M. R. Gavin, H.M.I. Appointed by the Secretary of State for Scotland.
Name Nominated by
Air Chief Marshal Sir Edgar Ludlow-Hewitt, G.C.B, G.B.E., C.M.G., D.S.O.. M.C.
Other Governors:—
Dr. W. Abbott, O.B.E.., B.Sc., M.I.Mech.E., H.M.I. Minister of Education.
J. Fearn Society of British Aircraft Constructors.
Air Marshal Sir W. Alec Coryton, K.B.E., C.B., M.V.O., D.F.C. Minister of Supply and of Aircraft Production.
Sir Charles Darwin, K.B.E., M.C, Sc.D., F.R.S. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research.
Sir A. H. Roy Fedden, M.B.E.., D.Sc., F.R.Ae.S., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.A.E., F.R.S.A., M.S.A.E., M.I.Ae.S. Royal Aeronautical Society.
J. Ferguson, M.A.., B.Sc., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.Struct.E. Scottish Education Department.
Sir Harold Hartley, K.C.V.O., C.B.E., M.C, F.R.S. Independent.
Sir Bennett Melvill Jones, C.B.E., A.F.C, M.A.., F.R.S., F.R.Ae.S., Hon. F.I.Ae.S. Universities.
Professor E. B. Moullin, M.A.., Sc.D., M.I.E.E. Institute of Electrical Engineers.
J. D. North, F.R.Ae.S., M.I.Mech.E. Society of British Aircraft Constructors.
Sir Frederick Handley Page, C.B.E., F.R.Ae.S., F.C.G.I. Independent.
Dr. H. Roxbee-Cox, D.I.C., B.Sc., F.R.Ae.S.. A.F.I.Ae.S. Royal Aeronautical Society.
Sir George Cribbett, K.B.E., C.M.G. Minister of Civil Aviation.
Rt. Hon. The Earl of Selkirk, O.B.E.., A.F.C. Secretary of State for Scotland.
Sir Victor Goddard, K.C.B., C.B.E. Secretary of State for Air.
Sir William Stanier, F.R.S., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.Loco.E. Institution of Mechanical Engineers.
Vice-Admiral Geo. E. Creasey, C.B., C.B.E., D.S.O., M.V.O. Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty.
W. E. F. Ward, C.M.G., M.A. Secretary of State for the Colonies
Air Commodore U. E. Ewart Government of Australia.
V. K. K. Menon Government of India.
H. I. Rahimtoola Government of Pakistan.