HC Deb 17 November 1948 vol 458 cc356-7
23. Major Beamish

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he will take steps to terminate the AngloPolish Agreement of the 25th August, 1939, in view of the fact that there is no agreed interpretation of this treaty with the Polish Government, and in view of the fact that important articles in this treaty are no longer observed.

Mr. Mayhew

We are considering this matter.

Major Beamish

Is it not a fact that the Polish Government through their Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs repudiated their part of this agreement many months ago, and does not common sense dictate that we should also give notice of denunciation of this Treaty which has quite obviously become a dead letter?

Mr. Mayhew

As I have said, we are looking into it.

Professor Savory

Why have His Majesty's Government made no attempt to implement the important provisions of the Treaty; why have they allowed the Treaty to become an absolutely dead letter?

Mr. Mayhew

if the Treaty is carefully read, it will be seen to be highly inappropriate to the present situation in Europe.