HC Deb 16 November 1948 vol 458 cc197-8

The following Question stood upon the Order Paper in the name of Mr. WYATT:

35. To ask the Minister of National Insurance if he has yet decided whether artists engaged are employed or self-employed persons for the purpose of National Insurance contributions.

Mr. Wyatt

In putting this Question may I point out that the words "by the B.B.C." should come after the word "engaged"?

Mr. Steele

I presume the reference is to variety artists. Whether they are employed or self-employed persons depends on the terms of the engagement in the particular case. In illustration of this I may mention that artists who perform independent turns under weekly or seasonal contracts would, generally speaking, be self-employed persons. A number of points have been raised with my Department by representatives of the profession and are under consideration with a view to clarification of the position. I hope that it will be possible to issue a leaflet in the near future giving guidance on the subject in some detail.

Mr. Wyatt

Is my hon. Friend aware, with particular reference to the B.B.C. that the delay in arriving at a decision is causing considerable inconvenience to the artists concerned, who do not know whether they or their employers are liable for payment.

Mr. Steele

That particular point is under consideration by my Department, and I will see what I can do to speed up the thing.