HC Deb 15 November 1948 vol 458 c4
7. Captain John Crowder

asked the Minister of Supply whether he will now discontinue the sale by auction of surplus machine tools which would be required for essential production in the event of the outbreak of war.

The Minister of Supply (Mr. G. R. Strauss)

No machine tool is sold if it is required as a reserve or for other Government purposes.

Captain Crowder

Did the Minister read the article in the "Daily Graphic" of last Saturday which was headed "Our War Tools for the Iron Curtain"; and further, is there any restriction on the export of machine tools bought by auction?

Mr. Strauss

Yes, Sir, they are all subject to restriction and come under a Board of Trade order.

Mr. Erroll

Is the Minister aware that a number of machine tools are finding their way to Palestine by similar devious channels?

Sir Waldron Smithers

Will the Minister undertake that none of these machine tools will be sent to Russia?

Mr. Strauss

I have said that no machine tools required in this country for reserve, and, indeed, none required for making munitions, are exported.