HC Deb 11 November 1948 vol 457 cc1706-7
26. Mr. M. F. Titterington

asked the Minister of Education whether it is his intention to implement, without any further delay, the recommendation of the Percy Committee, supported by the Barlow Committee, over three years ago that there should be a selected number of colleges of technology in which there should be developed technological courses comparable with those of university courses; and whether university status will be given to some of these colleges of technology.

The Minister of Education (Mr. Tomlinson)

A Joint Committee of the National Advisory Council on Education for Industry and Commerce and the University Grants Committee has been set up to consider questions of advanced technological education generally, and the points raised by my hon. Friend are receiving attention.

Mr. Titterington

Does my right hon. Friend endorse the view that the conferring of university status on technical colleges situated in the major industries they serve—[Horn. MEMBERS: "Order."] —and which are of approved merit, administration, and achievement——

Mr. Speaker

Long supplementaries should not be read out. That is one of our rules.

Mr. Titterington

Does not my right hon. Friend think that this type of technical colleges situated in the major industries which it serves is the quickest and most effective may to meet the current requirements of our industrial progress at the moment; and does he agree, in that regard, that Bradford stands preeminent?

Mr. Tomlinson

It is because of the importance of these related questions that the Joint Committee has been set up.

Mr. Titterington

Does my right hon. Friend endorse the view that, having regard to the difficulties of the building extensions in our existing universities, with the limitations of their hostel accommodation, the quicker and better way is to encourage the smaller universities?

Mr. Tomlinson

Yes, Sir, in general I would subscribe to that view.

Mr. Benn Levy

If the Minister does subscribe to that view, will he not reconsider the view on the grounds that there may be some value in retaining a differentiation which will avoid still further blurring the line of demarcation between education and trade apprenticeships?

Mr. Tomlinson

I think that if my hon. Friend will study the answer I have given, he will find that matter is catered for in it.